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Hello My Dolly Girlfriend (2013)

Directed by: Takashi Ishii
Stars:  Kokone Sasaki, Tasuku Emoto, Mitsu Dan
Language: Japanese | Subtitles: Korean, English
Country: Japan |  Imdb Info  | HDRip
Also known as: Figyua na anata
Description:Kentaro is a desolate washout and nerd. When he's let go from his occupation, he likewise loses his pride. At his most minimal minute he goes out on the town to drink away his hopelessness when he meanders into a surrendered working in the heart of the joy region. There he finds a lovely young lady doll with skin so delicate and warm to touch. Her skin is lifelike to the point that he can see the veins under the skin… yet it is a doll without a pulse. In his obfuscated awareness, the man sees the doll transform into a cyborg young lady and spare him from hooligans. The doll turns into his watchman holy messenger with a devilish curve as she satisfies his dreams by turning into a cyborg young lady, a swan-lake ballet performer, and his better half. This hallucinatory and sexual sentiment satisfies the man's last sensual cravings. Who is she truly? Also, where will their sentiment lead them.?
2.50gb | 112:19mins | 1280×720 | mp4

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